Career Development and Employability: Empirical Studies with the Unemployed
This oral presentation will address the issues of career development and employability in adults, with special attention to the unemployed condition. We will examine the dimensions of career development that favor adaptability, and their relationship to employability. We will pay special attention to empirical studies conducted with unemployed adults before and after the pandemic. We draw implications for research and for the design of counseling interventions that support the career development and employability of unemployed adults.
Dr. Maria do Céu Taveira, is and Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Psychology, at the University of Minho, Portugal. She received her master Degree in Psychology from the University of Porto and her Ph.D in Educational Psychology from the University of Minho in 1997.
After serving as assistant professor, from 1982 to 1991, at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Porto, in 1991 she joined the University of Minho, where she is til present. Actually she is an Associate Professor, and Associate Director of the Department of Applied Psychology, and responsible for the research group in Career Development and Counseling at the Center for Research in Psychology, at the University of Minho. She has published on such topics as career choice and decision-making, career self-management and adaptation, academic satisfaction, and evaluation of career interventions . She is a member of the corporate bodies of the Portuguese Career Development Association, the Portuguese Psychology Associaton., and the Association of Psychology of the Unieversity of Minho. contact: |