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Opportunities for psychology students to acquire international research experience: Fifteen years of foundation “Professor Borislav Lorenc”
Marija Mitić1, Aleksandar Baucal1, Oliver Tošković1, Ivana Petrović1, Uroš Atanasković2, Vanja Ković1, Milica Vukelić1, Olja Marković1
1Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2Atanasković-Božović, Belgrade
The round table is devoted to marking an anniversary of the Foundation “Professor Borislav Lorenc”. The Foundation was established in 2010 in order to encourage and support outstanding students of psychology and cognitive sciences from state-owned universities from Serbia by providing them travel and subsistence grants for scholarly visits to renowned, international academic institutions. The Foundation is devoted to keeping alive the memory of Borislav Lorenc (1883-1975), philosopher and professor of the Faculty of Theology, University of Belgrade, famous for his books “Psychology” (1926), “Thought and Action” (1930), and “Psychology and Philosophy of Religion” (1939). The grants are aimed for students at every level of study in order to provide them with means for spending several months at a foreign, renewed university, or research center, obtaining international research experience. After fifteen years more than twenty psychology students received grants and gained invaluable research experience that helped them notably in shaping their PhD and master thesis, encouraged them in developing their professional careers, and supported them in networking with colleagues from abroad. Moreover, the grants enabled further scientific connection and collaboration of academic institutions from Serbia with distinguished academic institutions from all around the world. During these fifteen years, apart from supporting students’ international exchange experience, Fondation recorded some valuable insights about different possibilities, potentials, and challenges in organizing and supporting psychology students’ exchange visits. Together with former grantees, the participants of the round table will discuss and share important experiences in order to help further development, enriching, and sustaining the mission of the Fondation. At the very end of the round table, different possibilities for gaining research exchange experience for psychology students, in a panorama of similar grants and calls, will be brought up.
Keywords: fifteen anniversary of the Foundation “Professor Borislav Lorenc”, scholarly visits, grants, psychology students, Serbia