Nenad Havelka Lecture of Honor: Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Early Phase of a Scientific Career
The “Nenad Havelka” award is given for outstanding scientific contributions to researchers at an early stage of their careers. It was established in 2022, was awarded for the first time in 2023, and will be awarded once a year. The award winner has the honour of giving a keynote lecture at the annual scientific conference Empirical Studies in Psychology. Candidates for the award can be persons who have received their doctorate no more than ten years since the announcement of the competition (not counting the years spent in situations that would harm scientific productivity, such as maternity leave, care for a family member, leave due to personal illness, etc.), and who are employed as teachers or researchers in a Scientific and Research Organization in Serbia. The winner of the award is chosen by a jury made up of members of the scientific board of the international scientific meeting Empirical Studies in Psychology, considering all the applications received. When evaluating candidates, the jury adheres to the framework defined in the Rules for evaluating candidates for the “Nenad Havelka” award. The scientific board reserves the right not to award the award if it judges that the applications do not meet the level of quality that this award entails. Candidates can nominate themselves and be nominated by colleagues, with the candidate’s prior consent.
Please send the nominations in the form of a letter with a completed form containing:
- Short description of your motivation (max. 200 words long): why exactly that person deserves (you deserve) this award
- Short description (up to 200 words) of the proposed candidate’s research topic
- Short description (up to 100 words) of the most important contribution of the proposed candidate
- Three representative publications in which the candidate is the first author and based on which the lecture will be held
- Candidate’s CV
- Signed consent for candidate nomination
You can download the application form from HERE.
Please send the nominations to the award e-mail address
The deadline for submitting applications is January 15, 2025.
Professor Nenad Havelka (1935 – 2020) was a professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
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